30 Days Wild 2019 – Day Twenty-eight.

twt-30-days-wild_countdown_28Day 28: Everyday on my walk to work, I pass a raspberry cane just growing at the side of the path. I’ve noticed recently that the fruit have begun to turn red, so for today’s 30 Days Wild, I decided to go foraging and pick a few.

I only took a few berries as I wanted to leave some for the birds. The raspberries I tasted were quite bitter. Perhaps due to the lack of sunshine this June?



Do you go foraging? If so what fruits do you collect?

Thanks for reading, and stay wild!

Christine x

2 thoughts on “30 Days Wild 2019 – Day Twenty-eight.

  1. Maybe too soon for the raspberries. I love the tiny wild strawberries, and bilberries.Would love to know about mushrooms. One of my daughter in laws father forages mushrooms and gave us a large jar of some he dried. They are delicious in an omelette.

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