Valentine’s and Holidays

With the start of National Nest Box week, David helped me yesterday put up three of my nest pockets. I also put one up with bird food in to entice the birds, though as yet we haven’t seen anyone attempt to go inside.

Valentine’s day was filled with lots of surprises, poems and a tasty curry in the evening from our favourite Liverpool take-away Saffron! David got me a card with a poem he wrote about me and the birds and also got me a little cuddly mammoth! I hope he liked his Olly Murs CD?

I am still awaiting delivery of my Insect House, but it is out for delivery today, so hopefully it will arrive soon. 🙂

With not being home much this week, I haven’t seen as many birds in the garden. I did get up extra early today, on my day off to see the Dunnock, but he didn’t show until 9am! He must have been having a lie in too! He came into the yard twice before we went out and we heard his lovely singing voice as he sat at the top of our tree 🙂

Today, David also had a day off, so we went to the cinema to see ‘The Woman in Black’. We have seen the stage-play and I must say the film is a tad different to it! Though we enjoyed it enough 🙂 There were lots of jumpy parts and screams! We went to the 10.30am showing and we were the only ones in the theatre, it was like having our own private showing 🙂

Later on, we went to a few garden centres looking for yet more bird supplies. I spied about 10 finches in a cage singing and snuggled up together, waiting to be sold. They were so small and colourful. It makes me want to get some 😛 With our sixth year anniversary coming up, it makes me wonder what to get present wise? Should I get two new additions to the family? 😛

What are your thoughts?