It’s Working!

The planting for wildlife is finally coming to fruition.

Sunday was a lazy day and amongst the flowers of my Wallflower and Cat Mint I spied a Small White butterfly and Bee!

There was also the sound of Goldfinches in the nearby trees and a hungry baby Great Tit being fed by its parents!

Here’s footage I took in 2012 when the Great Tit’s brought their babies to my feeders.

The Days’ Seem to be Blending into One Another.

I really need to get myself a ‘proper’ job! With work at the university slowly ‘drying up,’ I find myself with more and more time on my hands, and am I working on my novel? No! I am not! I am wasting my days lounging in bed, listening to music and dreaming away! The only time I get out of the bed covers is to grab lunch or to do a quick 30 minutes exercise on the treadmill!

I need to get myself a life!

Gardening news and the flowers on my Aquilegia have begun to open. They are of a very subtle pink. The purple seems to have been bred out of the strain.


My Flame of the Forest seems to be going from strength to strength too!

Forest Flame